
In today’s business world, it is no longer possible to limit oneself to oral commercial contracts and, even in everyday life, there is an increasing need for written contracts to which reference can be made in case of disagreement. Once concluded, the contract becomes the law of the parties.

The drafting of a contract, particularly where the parties are not submitted to the same national law, can be tricky and requires the advice of an experienced lawyer. What type of contract should be concluded? What guarantees should be included in the contract to ensure compliance by the parties? What rules should be adopted in order to terminate the contract while limiting the damage? Which law should govern the contract? Which legal forum should be chosen? There are many questions.

Forty-Four Avocats is at your disposal to assist you in the negotiation and drafting of all types of national and international contracts (agency, lease, brokerage, distribution, donation, company, license, mandate, loan, transport, work, sale, etc.) as well as to accompany you in their execution.